Can I load software on my library laptop or Chromebook?

You can load software on the Dell laptops, but not Chromebooks.


Software cannot be loaded on library-loaned Chromebooks due to fact that the operating system is web-based. This means all items are accessed via the web. Instead of loading software, students can use web based applications, such as the Google Doc Editors Suite, or Microsoft365 (with their CCSFmail credentials) to access online versions of Word, Powerpoint, etc.

Software can be loaded on library-loaned Dell laptops. These are pre-loaded with the Microsoft Office suite.

To place a request on a CCSF library laptop or Chromebook, visit the Library Technology webpage.

If you have your own device and would like to see which free software is available at CCSF, see the ITS / Free Software webpage.

  • Last Updated Jan 30, 2025
  • Views 13
  • Answered By

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